Top 10 HR Models Every Human Resources Professional Should Know SSR

Exploring HR Models: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Human Resources Management

hr models

In the survey with global executives, about 70 percent said that two years from now they expect to use more temporary workers and contractors than they did before the COVID-19 crisis. Organizations that can reallocate talent in step with their strategic plans are more than twice as likely to outperform their peers. To link talent to value, the best talent should be shifted into critical value-driving roles. That means moving away from a traditional approach, in which critical roles and talent are interchangeable and based on hierarchy. Companies that execute with purpose have greater odds of creating significant long-term value generation, which can lead to stronger financial performance, increased employee engagement, and higher customer trust.

Best heart rate monitors 2024: best models and what to look for – CyclingWeekly

Best heart rate monitors 2024: best models and what to look for.

Posted: Thu, 22 Aug 2024 07:00:00 GMT [source]

HR needs to take a leadership and oversight role on the people agenda, being able to coach line managers to manage their teams most effectively. Working in an SME is clearly a different experience from working in a large organisation. There is a spotlight on certain capabilities HR needs to develop to have maximum impact on business performance.

Moving from support to leadership

Someone needs to take responsibility for leading the people approach, making sure the right people are hired, and they are developed and managed in the most appropriate way. A small business’s people requirements will change over time as the company grows and matures. It follows that who champions and delivers on the people agenda will also change as the business demands change. In addition to his consultancy work, Andrew regularly speaks at conferences around the world, writes and contributes to thought leadership groups, sharing knowledge, techniques and resources in HR transformation with HR and the wider community. He has written articles for the ‘HR Transformer’ blog since 2009 and tweets @AndySpence.

hr models

While HR models provide valuable frameworks for understanding HRM, it’s crucial to recognize that they are simplifications of reality. There is no one-size-fits-all HR model, and organizations may need to experiment to discover the most suitable approach for their specific circumstances. While innovation shifts have shaped the traditional HR operating model and led to the emergence of new archetypes, not all innovation shifts are equal.

The way these decisions are made has everything to do with how HR is organized to deliver value – a.k.a. the HR operating model. Therefore, it can take some time and experimentation before you discover the best-suited HR model for your purposes and desired outcomes. This is because more profitable companies usually invest more in HR programs, including HR software and L&D opportunities for their people. HR professionals can increase their acuity as strategic players by learning about different HRM models and their basic theories.

Developed by the Association for Talent Development (ATD), this model outlines the competencies and skills required for HR professionals to excel in their roles. It covers areas like learning and development, organizational development, and performance improvement, helping HR practitioners stay competitive in the field. It encompasses core HR functions such as recruitment, onboarding, performance management, and employee relations. This model ensures compliance with labor laws and regulations while focusing on employee engagement and satisfaction. Out of the different HR operating models, the business partner model is the most prevalent. Mercer, a consultancy firm, estimates the prevalence of the business partner model to be around 75% in North America, and 44% in Europe.

One of the areas most positively impacted was HR operations; however, in practice, many business partnering roles were too transactional. And yet, nearly a decade on, many HR business partners still grapple with the transactional and strategic demands placed upon them. Historically a lot of HR work has been about delivering processes to the business, administering payroll, keeping out of tribunals, writing terms and conditions, and so on, so HR has attracted people with the requisite skills and mindset.

The Ulrich Model

Culture change should be business-led, with clear and highly visible leadership from the top, and execution should be rigorous and consistent. Companies are more than five times more likely to have a successful transformation when leaders have role-modeled the behavior changes they were asking their employees to make. After the pandemic erupted last year, we spoke with 350 HR leaders about the role of uncertainty in their function. They told us that over the next two years they wanted to prioritize initiatives that strengthen their organization’s ability to drive change in leadership, culture, and employee experience.

Some aspects of people management are more critical at different stages of business development. This leads me to propose that we think more broadly in terms of a ‘people’ role for an SME. Overall, the critical transition point for our case studies moving from a transactional to a strategic people approach occurred between the emerging enterprise and consolidating organisation stages. The term ‘SME’ is broad, including a wide range of organisations from a one-man band to a company of 250 staff which may look similar to a large organisation in terms of structure and process.

The Standard Causal Model of HRM stands as one of the most renowned frameworks in the realm of Human Resource Management (HRM). Originating from various similar models prevalent in the 1990s and early 2000s, this model delineates a causal chain commencing with business strategy and culminating, via HR processes, in enhanced financial performance. The Harvard Model of Human Resource Management takes a holistic approach to HR. It considers employees as valuable assets and focuses on aligning HR policies and practices with organizational goals.

The world of work is in a constant state of flux, with shifting employee expectations, hybrid working, and AI and automation being key drivers of change. With this rapid pace of change showing no sign of abating, we explore how the HR function should be organised to serve organisations and their people – both now and in the future. In essence, the HR value chain serves as a tool to demonstrate the concrete contributions of HR to organizational success, connecting HR activities to measurable business outcomes. The HR value chain is a conceptual framework that illustrates how Human Resources (HR) contributes to the achievement of organizational objectives. Based on empirical evidence, positive correlations exist between HR management practices, HR outcomes, and overall organizational performance. Despite this, demonstrating HR’s added value has remained challenging due to the uniqueness of each organization and the difficulty in practically showcasing the value.

The High-Impact HR Operating Model emphasizes the importance of HR flexibility, digital transformation, and data-driven decision-making. It allows HR practitioners to respond effectively hr models to changing organizational needs. When implementing an HR operating model, there are a number of best practices to follow that will improve your likelihood of success.

The Harvard Model

An HR operating model is the way the HR team is organized to deliver value to its internal customers and stakeholders. Effective HR operating models help HR deliver its services and value proposition to its customers in an efficient manner. Many organizations are constantly looking for ways to improve the way they operate and collaborate. In this article, you will learn what HR operating models are, different ways of organizing the HR function and various types of HR operating models, as well as best practices for creating an HR operating model. A well-thought-out structure puts HR in a better position to deliver services effectively and create impact.

Many large US organizations remain US-centric, given the size and relevance of their home market. Human resources, which in many organizations now sits awkwardly between its history as a support function and its future as a strategic partner. For example, in a smaller company, the CEO could probably easily remember each person who had quit and why they had left.

hr models

We all understood the logic of the first wave of HR outsourcing in 1999 – freeing up HR to focus on strategic aspects of the job. It is worth pointing out that outsourcing wasn’t a new concept in HR, with most organisations already outsourcing their payroll as standard practice. Many organisations are increasingly automating traditional HR and people management activities, particularly through the implementation of cloud technologies.


The outwards-facing HR professionals have to be supported by a high-level organisation development capability. Before they put their own organisational design in place, they relied on skills of appreciative inquiry in order to ask questions around how people understood the relationships, the complexities of how people worked across the nuclear estate. Although Ulrich never claimed to have invented it, the three-legged model for HR has, like Sellotape, Hoover and Biro, become synonymous with his name – the Ulrich model. It is also interesting that while the highest-rated operating model feature is decentralised HR generalists supporting business units, one of the lower-rated items is HR practices varying across business units. Second, HR leadership teams prioritize the three or four most relevant innovation shifts that will move their function toward their chosen operating-model archetype.

As companies move from phase 2 to 3, they focus on effectiveness of driving talent programmes. They now look at measures such as ‘quality of hire’, ‘time to fill’, ‘training utilisation’ and ‘leadership pipeline’ as measures of success. Here the focus is on building world-class talent programmes and embracing new technologies (often social and network based) to extend the company’s brand, connect people, facilitate learning and collaboration, and build leadership. The HR partners are using case management technologies to help manage business HR issues through their lifecycle; basic documents such as grievance letters or evidence for a case are centrally stored in the case management tool.

hr models

Perhaps you have a soft spot for one of them and want to emulate their methods of operation. You can foun additiona information about ai customer service and artificial intelligence and NLP. According to this Forbes article, the answer is a plethora of factors ranging from transparency to diversity. As a human resources professional, you may feel compelled to investigate these factors to foster a positive work environment for your team.

Employee Recognition

Two challenges HR will have to overcome are a resistance and scepticism to outsourcing, after mixed results in the past. Whether we use cloud or on-premise ERP HR systems, the hard work required to standardise HR services across geographies and divisions will still need to be completed, but now the benefits will be worth it. And with any outsourcing, the same questions need to be asked about how it fits with the HR operating model and HR strategy.

The second big wave of change in HRO contracts came around 2006, including Unilever-Accenture and Johnson & Johnson-Convergys. These didn’t quite deliver our dream of a standardised multi-tenant service enabling each client to benefit from new innovations either. Instead, these services offered bespoke solutions, tailored to clients’ demands and meeting the particular nuances of their HR operating models.

In other words, they should be ‘local’ – or as ‘locally assigned’ as possible. Organisations have had to respond to the seismic shifts in the economy with the increased use of contractors, zero-hours contracts, interim resources, partnership arrangements, consultants and outsourcing to weather the storm. This process has also been mirrored in the HR world as HR directors scrutinise how to source current skills needed to deliver HR services.

Pinarello debuts two new Bolide F HR models – Bike Biz

Pinarello debuts two new Bolide F HR models.

Posted: Thu, 28 Mar 2024 11:23:52 GMT [source]

In recent years, some have tried to figure out ‘what’s next’ in how HR departments will be organised. The challenge again starts with the business and the most basic question is, ‘how will the business be organised? ‘ The basic business structure challenge remains grounded in the centralisation– decentralisation grid and debate, and so does the HR department challenge.

Finally, teams think comprehensively about the transition journey, working toward core milestones for each of the prioritized innovation shifts individually and ensuring a systemic, integrated transformation perspective at the same time. This requires mobilizing for selected shifts, building new capabilities, and acting on an integrated change agenda in concert across business and HR. This HRM model directs HR teams to develop HRM policies by factoring in stakeholder interests and situational factors which leads to better HR outcomes and long-term consequences.

Procurement shared services handle the acquisition of goods and services necessary for the organization’s operations. This includes vendor management, contract administration, purchase order processing, and strategic sourcing. By centralizing procurement activities, organizations can achieve economies of scale, negotiate better terms with suppliers, and ensure consistent application of procurement policies across the enterprise. Additionally, procurement-shared services enhance visibility into spending patterns, enabling better cost control and more strategic decision-making. The consolidated approach to procurement also supports risk management efforts by ensuring that all purchasing activities comply with established standards and regulations, thereby reducing the potential for fraud and unethical practices. Finance and accounting shared services are among the most prevalent types of SSCs due to their significant impact on organizational efficiency and cost savings.

Josh’s education includes a BS in engineering from Cornell University, an MS in engineering from Stanford University, and an MBA from the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley. But while the benefits have often been significant, they are inevitably limited. In the average organisation, Chat GPT the HR function accounts for about 1% of the workforce, and even the most radical transformation programme will be limited by what can be cut from this figure. The right-hand column shows the correlation between the question about HR’s role in strategy and each rating of HR operating characteristics.

hr models

For example, a leader-led archetype is mainly shaped by the shift of empowering the leaders and the front line. At the same time, it gives more flexibility to the needs of the individual (the “cafeteria approach”) because leaders have more freedom; it also builds on digital support so leaders are optimally equipped to play their HR role. Alternatively, an agile archetype is strongly focused on adapting agile principles in HR, but it typically also aims to move toward a productized HR service offering and strives for end-to-end accountability. The Advanced HR Value Chain extends beyond traditional HR functions and emphasizes the creation of value through HR initiatives. It includes stages such as talent acquisition, development, engagement, and retention, all of which contribute to an organization’s overall success. In a functional operating model, HR is organized around different specialties, including recruiting, training, compensation, and learning.

  • It shows where HR strategy originates from and how it influences HR execution and business performance.
  • The field of Human Resources (HR) is constantly evolving, driven by changes in the workplace, technology, and society.
  • By integrating IT functions into a shared services model, organizations can enhance the efficiency of their technology deployment, optimize IT resource utilization, and improve service levels.
  • The answer, as delineated in this article by The New York Times, is myriads of factors that can range from meetings to diversity.
  • The HR strategy sets the direction for all the key areas of HR, including hiring, performance appraisal, development, and compensation.

It stands to reason, therefore, that streamlining HR operations would deliver big benefits, and many organisations in our survey had achieved savings on HR operational costs of 30% or more as a result of HR transformation. We saw nothing to suggest that the lack of progress in talent management is a shortcoming of the Ulrich model itself, but it did suggest that that this is a failure of the HR function to look beyond basic efficiency savings. What is the relationship between the design and management of the HR function and HR’s role in organisational strategy? This is the key design question and one that can be answered by examining the research evidence from our international survey of hundreds of HR leaders3 that has been done every three years since 1995.

In this process, many advocated moving HR thinking and work from administrative to strategic, day-today to long term, and transactional to transformational. Other functional areas were also separating the administrative from strategic work (for example, managing money was separated into finance and accounting; managing information was separated into data centres and information systems). My work HR Champions1 argued that HR had to deliver both administrative and strategic work. To consider what the future of HR may look like in SMEs, I’ll first look at the current HR models and approaches being adopted in smaller organisations.

As an example, not everyone needs to be a data scientist, but everyone needs to be comfortable with data. It is very difficult to send someone on a programme that develops their intellectual capability or their systemic thinking ability. But these capabilities can be more swiftly developed through a broader career-pathing approach which tries to develop perspective (for example across different functions) and hence judgement. But this takes time and our research shows that this kind of development is the least often used by HR. This isn’t just about a competency framework; it’s about being realistic about the level we are asking people to operate at.